150 Edison Drive ASP Amendment and Redistricting

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Invistec Consulting Ltd. on behalf of Landrex, applied to amend the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan (ASP) Bylaw 33/2009 and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 18/2024. The proposed ASP & LUB amendments require a public hearing, and the approval of Council.


The site subject to the amendments is legally described as Plan 232 2715, Block 6, Lot 79 and is municipally addressed as 150 Edison Drive. The subject site is 1.74 Hectares and is located in the north-east portion of the Erin Ridge North neighbourhood. This site is bounded by MR (park) to the west and south, low density residential to the north and Edison Drive to the east. Please see the location map below.

Proposed Area Structure Plan Amendment

The applicant has proposed to amend the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan Bylaw 33/2009 to re-designate the subject site from High Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Associated Area Structure Plan text amendments are also being proposed to update the Development Statistics.

As part of this Area Structure Plan amendment application submission, the applicant has provided an Area Structure Plan Technical Report and figures.

The proposed reduction in density will be reviewed for conformity against minimum density requirements in the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan and the Municipal Development Plan (Flourish). Reduced density in the ASP would mean fewer number of dwelling units can be built on the subject site which could result in fiscal implications for the City's tax base and cost of supporting infrastructure.

Proposed Land Use Bylaw Schedule A Amendment (Redistricting)

The applicant has proposed to amend the Land Use Bylaw 18/2024 to redistrict the subject site from the High Density Residential (HDR) district to the Medium Density Residential (MDR) district, in order to align with the Area Structure Plan land use designation.

Table 1: Lands subject to redistricting

Legal Description


Municipal Address

Plan 232 2715, Block 6, Lot 79


150 Edison Drive

Table 2: Proposed Land Uses

Proposed District

Area of Land

Some Permitted Land Uses

Medium Density Residential

1.74 hectares±

(4.3 acres±)


Apartment Building


Supportive Living Accommodation

A decision by Council on the proposed Area Structure Plan amendment must happen before Council makes a decision on the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendment.

Municipal Development Plan (MDP - Flourish) Policy Context

The Municipal Development Plan, Map 3: Urban Structure and General Land Use, designates the proposed amendment area as Neighbourhood.

Public Engagement

If you wish to provide comments, please do so at the bottom of this page or by emailing your comments to the undersigned (ssifat@stalbert.ca). Please provide your comments by February 14, 2025. Comments will be taken into consideration when staff prepares the agenda report for City Council. All comments received in response to the public consultation process that is hosted by the applicant and this resident notification letter will be provided to Council as part of the report and recommendation on this application.

Public Hearing

When a Public Hearing date is determined it will be advertised in the St. Albert Gazette newspaper under Citylights and posted on the Erin Ridge North ASP Amendment project page on Cultivate the Conversation.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned at 780-459-1765, or email ssifat@stalbert.ca

Invistec Consulting Ltd. on behalf of Landrex, applied to amend the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan (ASP) Bylaw 33/2009 and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) 18/2024. The proposed ASP & LUB amendments require a public hearing, and the approval of Council.


The site subject to the amendments is legally described as Plan 232 2715, Block 6, Lot 79 and is municipally addressed as 150 Edison Drive. The subject site is 1.74 Hectares and is located in the north-east portion of the Erin Ridge North neighbourhood. This site is bounded by MR (park) to the west and south, low density residential to the north and Edison Drive to the east. Please see the location map below.

Proposed Area Structure Plan Amendment

The applicant has proposed to amend the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan Bylaw 33/2009 to re-designate the subject site from High Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Associated Area Structure Plan text amendments are also being proposed to update the Development Statistics.

As part of this Area Structure Plan amendment application submission, the applicant has provided an Area Structure Plan Technical Report and figures.

The proposed reduction in density will be reviewed for conformity against minimum density requirements in the Erin Ridge North Area Structure Plan and the Municipal Development Plan (Flourish). Reduced density in the ASP would mean fewer number of dwelling units can be built on the subject site which could result in fiscal implications for the City's tax base and cost of supporting infrastructure.

Proposed Land Use Bylaw Schedule A Amendment (Redistricting)

The applicant has proposed to amend the Land Use Bylaw 18/2024 to redistrict the subject site from the High Density Residential (HDR) district to the Medium Density Residential (MDR) district, in order to align with the Area Structure Plan land use designation.

Table 1: Lands subject to redistricting

Legal Description


Municipal Address

Plan 232 2715, Block 6, Lot 79


150 Edison Drive

Table 2: Proposed Land Uses

Proposed District

Area of Land

Some Permitted Land Uses

Medium Density Residential

1.74 hectares±

(4.3 acres±)


Apartment Building


Supportive Living Accommodation

A decision by Council on the proposed Area Structure Plan amendment must happen before Council makes a decision on the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendment.

Municipal Development Plan (MDP - Flourish) Policy Context

The Municipal Development Plan, Map 3: Urban Structure and General Land Use, designates the proposed amendment area as Neighbourhood.

Public Engagement

If you wish to provide comments, please do so at the bottom of this page or by emailing your comments to the undersigned (ssifat@stalbert.ca). Please provide your comments by February 14, 2025. Comments will be taken into consideration when staff prepares the agenda report for City Council. All comments received in response to the public consultation process that is hosted by the applicant and this resident notification letter will be provided to Council as part of the report and recommendation on this application.

Public Hearing

When a Public Hearing date is determined it will be advertised in the St. Albert Gazette newspaper under Citylights and posted on the Erin Ridge North ASP Amendment project page on Cultivate the Conversation.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the undersigned at 780-459-1765, or email ssifat@stalbert.ca

Questions and Comments

Please use the questions tool below to share your input on the proposed amendment. 

Specifically, we would like to know:

    • Do you support the amendment to re-designate this site from High-Density Residential to Medium Density Residential?
    • What, if any, concerns or considerations would you like staff or Council to address?

Please be advised that comments you submit, either orally or in writing, may be recorded and made public, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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Page published: 30 Jan 2025, 03:07 PM