Moving Together: Building a Connected City for All

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Moving Together: Building a Connected City for All

A new strategy for moving through our community

As the City of St. Albert prepares for the next decade, we are focused on shaping how we move (whether that’s walking, rolling, driving or riding) through our urban community.

Our ‘Mobility Choices’ include everything from public transit to cycling, walking, driving and even the movement of goods. It's about more than just getting from point A to point B; it's how we connect with our community, access opportunities and experience all our city has to offer.

But movement isn’t a one-size fits all. Each of us has unique needs and preferences when it comes to getting around - whether it’s navigating busy streets, accessing public transit or enjoying pedestrian-friendly pathways.

Here comes the ask!

That's why we're reaching out to you, our community, to lend your voice to the conversation.

Building upon insights gathered from initiatives like the Municipal Development Plan: Flourish: Getting to 100K, we're ready to take the next step. However, we can't tackle everything at once, so your input is crucial to decide where to start first and what to work on next.

Together, let's shape the future of mobility in St. Albert – because when we move forward together, our city flourishes.

A new strategy for moving through our community

As the City of St. Albert prepares for the next decade, we are focused on shaping how we move (whether that’s walking, rolling, driving or riding) through our urban community.

Our ‘Mobility Choices’ include everything from public transit to cycling, walking, driving and even the movement of goods. It's about more than just getting from point A to point B; it's how we connect with our community, access opportunities and experience all our city has to offer.

But movement isn’t a one-size fits all. Each of us has unique needs and preferences when it comes to getting around - whether it’s navigating busy streets, accessing public transit or enjoying pedestrian-friendly pathways.

Here comes the ask!

That's why we're reaching out to you, our community, to lend your voice to the conversation.

Building upon insights gathered from initiatives like the Municipal Development Plan: Flourish: Getting to 100K, we're ready to take the next step. However, we can't tackle everything at once, so your input is crucial to decide where to start first and what to work on next.

Together, let's shape the future of mobility in St. Albert – because when we move forward together, our city flourishes.

Page last updated: 24 Jun 2024, 08:25 AM