Riverside ASP and LUB Amendment for 27 Genstar Annex

Select Engineering Consultants Ltd., on behalf of L.A. Ventures Inc., applied to amend the Riverside Area Structure Plan (Bylaw 1/2012) and the Land Use Bylaw (9/2005). The Municipal Development Plan designates the area as Neighbourhood. The lands proposed for amendments are located south of Rankin Drive, east of Redwing Wynd, west of Meadowview Lane, and north of the Sturgeon River.
In December 2022, an amendment proposal was circulated for the subject lands; however, the proposal was put on hold because the City was updating the designated flood line, which had implications on where the applicant could place the stormwater management facility. An update to the designated flood line was approved by Council in October 2023.
The applicant has made changes to the concept they proposed in December 2022. The City requested the applicant to consult with the public for the current submission, which the applicant did through a letter mailed to properties within a 100-metre radius of the amendment site. The public comments provided to the applicant in response to the applicant’s letter will be provided to the City and will be summarized for Council as part of the agenda package for a public hearing.
As part of the proposed Riverside Area Structure Plan (ASP) amendment, the City proposes to update land use designations and roadways for lands to the east of L.A. Ventures’ land, so that land uses and roadway connectivity align.
The Municipal Development Plan, Map 3 : Urban Structure and General Land Use, designates the proposed amendment area as Neighbourhood.
Area Structure Plan (ASP) Amendment
Please find attached a copy of the location map (Figure 1) and a comparison of existing and proposed ASP future land use (Figure 2). The proposed Riverside ASP amendment is for two areas: applicant led, and City led.
- The applicant led amendment is an area of 4.07 hectares± (10.05 acres±). The proposed changes compared to the existing Riverside ASP includes - increasing the size and shape of the medium density site to enable development on it, retaining low density residential in the south portion of the amendment area, adding a public park to meet the required 10% municipal reserve dedication, updating environmental reserve dedication to add 0.33 hectares, adding stormwater management facility to support development, and updating the road layout. The anticipated number of dwelling units in the existing Riverside ASP is 3,954. The proposed amendment anticipates 113 additional dwelling units.
- The City led amendment is an area of 4.16 hectares± (10.23 acres±). The proposed changes to land uses include - increasing the size and shape of the medium density site to enable development on it, retaining low density residential in the south portion of the amendment area, adding a public park to meet the required 10% municipal reserve dedication, adding stormwater management facility to support development, and updating the road layout so there is connectivity between LA Ventures’ land and Meadowview Lane. The location of Environmental Reserve will be updated to align with the Land Use Bylaw, Schedule G. The anticipated number of dwelling units in the existing Riverside ASP is 3,954, and no change in density is proposed for this amendment area.
The proposed ASP amendment requires Council approval.
Legal Descriptions and Addresses
The legal description and address of the land affected by this proposal are shown below in Table 1.
Table 1: Legal Descriptions and Addresses
Legal Description | ATS Reference | Address |
Portion of River Lot 22, St. Albert Settlement | 4;25;53;22;RL 4;25;54;22;RL | 27 Genstar Annex |
River Lot 22, St. Albert Settlement, Bk OT, Lot 22 | 4;25;53;22;RL | 10 Meadowview Lane |
Plan 822 2288, Lot A | 4;25;53;22;RL | 20 Meadowview Lane |
Documents Provided by Applicant
The following documents were provided by applicant:
- ASP Technical Report with figures
- Redistricting Plan
- Public meeting transcript from November 17, 2022
- Servicing Design Brief (water, sanitary, storm)
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Biophysical Assessment
- Historical Resources Act Approval
Land Use Bylaw Amendment (Redistricting)
The Land Use Bylaw, Schedule A amendment is for an area of 6.6 hectares± (16.2 acres±) and specific to the applicant led amendment area only. The area subject to the City led amendment will remain as Urban Reserve (UR) District. The redistricting is from Urban Reserve (UR) District to Medium Density Residential District (R3A), Residential Land Use District (RX), and Public Park District (P). The Public Park (P) showing with an area of 0.45 hectares± (1.1 acres±) will be a neighbourhood park. The Public Park (P) showing with an area of 3.33 hectares± (8.2 acres±) consists of 2.7 hectares± (6.67 acres±) that has been designated as environmental reserve, and 0.6 hectares± (1.6 acres±) for the proposed storm water management facility. Urban Reserve is a holding district for lands until the land is ready to be assigned a land use district in the Land Use Bylaw that allows for urban standards of development. The layout of the proposed Districts is shown in the attached Redistricting Comparison Map (Figure 3).
The proposed land use districts are shown below in Table 2.
Table 2: Proposed Land Uses
Proposed District | Area of Land | Some Permitted Land Uses |
Residential (RX) | 1.2 hectares± (2.9 acres±) | Single-detached house, Semi-detached dwelling, Townhousing |
Medium Density Residential (R3A) | 1.59 hectares± (3.9 acres±) | Apartment Building Townhousing |
Public Park (P) | 3.78 hectares± (9.34 acres±) | Park, stormwater management facility, etc. |
A decision by Council on the proposed Area Structure Plan amendment must happen before Council makes a decision on the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendment.
Public Engagement
The City of St. Albert is using this public participation platform called Cultivate the Conversation. This tool will be used to host this application, where documents and status updates can be viewed, publicly post questions or comments, or contact the planner assigned to the file. If you wish to provide comments, please do so by July 10, 2024. Comments will be taken into consideration when staff prepares the agenda report for City Council.
All comments received in response to the public consultation process that is hosted by the applicant and this resident notification letter will be provided to Council as part of the report and recommendation on this application.
Public Hearing
A public hearing date has been set for December 17, 2024 for these applications and a public hearing notice will be advertised in the St. Albert Gazette newspaper under Citylights and posted on the Riverside ASP Amendment project page on Cultivate the Conversation.
Please be advised that comments you submit, either orally or in writing, may be recorded and made public, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
If you have any other questions or comments about this process, please contact Sajid Sifat at 780-459-1765 or ssifat@stalbert.ca.
Questions and Comments
Please submit your questions and comments here. Anything posted here will go to the Planner on file, Sajid Sifat.
Any comments and questions shared are publicly visible and will be shared with Council for their consideration.
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