Community of Riverside Traffic Calming

Whether on foot, cycling or driving, we all have places to be and want to get there safely. Riverside residents have reported road safety concerns and submitted them to the City of St. Albert through an application for traffic calming, and the neighbourhood was confirmed as eligible for the Traffic Calming Program.
Following the City’s Neighbourhood Traffic Calming procedures, the City initiated a Neighbourhood Traffic Calming poll in fall 2024 seeking feedback from Riverside residents regarding support of neighbourhood wide traffic calming in Riverside.
Similar polling was also conducted in three (3) other neighbourhoods in the City (Mission, North Ridge, Oakmont).
For neighbourhood wide traffic calming to advance further through the process the following two (2) criteria must be met:
- A minimum of 40% of neighbourhood households must respond to the poll; and
- A minimum of 55% of the responses received must “support” traffic calming.
The poll closed in early October 2024, and the results have been processed.
44% of Riverside households responded to the poll, with 82% of those responses in support of traffic calming in their neighbourhood. Because both criteria were met, consideration of neighbourhood wide traffic calming in Riverside will proceed.
Riverside residents will work with the City through a series of engagements to determine traffic calming plans in their neighbourhood, starting with a workshop in the first quarter of 2025. This will allow for discussion on applicable traffic calming measures, options and impacts, and provide residents the opportunity to give feedback. More information will be shared in late-January 2025 as details regarding engagement are finalized.
For further information please refer to the attached What We Heard Report for Riverside, as well as an overall summary of what we heard from all four neighbourhoods polled.
Learn More About the Traffic Calming Program
We invite you to learn more about the Traffic Calming Program by visiting the Neighbourhood Traffic Calming web page.