September 26 2024

Comments Due

If you wish to provide comments regarding these applications, please do so by September 26, 2024. Your comments will be taken into account when the Agenda Report is prepared for Council.

June 06 2024

Public Open House

April 08 2024

Public Open House

St. Albert Legion, Branch 271
6 Tache Street
6 PM 

A public open house will be held to present proposed amendments that will redefine the future land uses layout of the medium density residential in Riverside neighbourhood. An associated change to the R3A to R4 high density residential district will allow for a maximum density of 141 units/ha. A total of 208 suites would be developed on the 3.7 acre site. Updated concepts and information specific to the Riverside ASP and Land Use Bylaw Amendments will be available for review and comment.

Project representatives including the Developer, Consultants, and the City of St. Albert will be present to answer questions.