Draft Land Use Bylaw Circulation
Thank you to everyone who was involved in reviewing or providing input into the first draft of the Land Use Bylaw.
The team has prepared another draft Land Use Bylaw, based on the valuable feedback received. Please check it out under Key Documents on the Cultivate the Conversation page.
Some of the proposed changes include:
- Reorganizing the document, to find content easier.
- Added a reduced parking ratio for affordable non-market housing.
- Enabled front drive zero lot-line product in the Small Lot Residential (SLR) District, with a proposed cap on the number of units per neighbourhood.
- Added density bonusing in the Downtown (DTN) District.
- Added the option for smaller rear vehicle access lots in the Low Density Residential (LDR) District, to reflect that some existing areas have lanes.
- Addition of congregate living level 1 and 2 as a definition and use.
- A reduction in fee-simple townhouse lot widths.
- Refined the Downtown (DTN) District map and regulations.
The public circulation letter, proposed draft, draft map, and draft spot redistricting map are all available under Key Documents.
If you have questions or comments, please email LUBupdate@stalbert.ca.
We look forward to your feedback by 5 p.m. on May 31, 2024.
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