Land Use Bylaw Update

The City of St. Albert is Updating the Land Use Bylaw (LUB).
The LUB is a document that is adopted by City Council that manages development within the city of St. Albert limits. The LUB covers a wide range of development regulations, including the following:
- Establishing the development permit process and the process for redistricting (rezoning) and LUB text amendments.
- Regulates the size and use of land and buildings.
- Classifies land use districts (zones) and determines minimum development standards for each of these districts.
- Determines the appropriate permitted and discretionary uses for each land use district.
Current Bylaw
The current Land Use Bylaw 9/2005 was approved in 2005 and would benefit from an update. Although amendments to the LUB have been enacted since, evolving development trends illustrate the need for more flexibility and responsive development regulations.
Strategic Priorities
The St. Albert Strategic Plan includes five strategic priorities. Strategic Priority #1 is Economic Prosperity, which includes supporting plans and agreements that foster development in St. Albert, including mature neighbourhoods, and build affordability in all new development. This strategy includes an update to the Land Use Bylaw.
Additionally, the City of St. Albert Corporate Business Plan 2022-2025 Strategic Priority One: Economic Prosperity directs administration to complete the update of the Land Use Bylaw to modernize and align the LUB with the new Municipal Development Plan.
With these priorities in mind, the goals for this project include the following:
- Aligning the LUB with Flourish, the City's Municipal Development Plan.
- Updating and modernization of the document.
- Creating an accessible and web-friendly LUB.
Please stay tuned and subscribe for project updates!
The City of St. Albert is Updating the Land Use Bylaw (LUB).
The LUB is a document that is adopted by City Council that manages development within the city of St. Albert limits. The LUB covers a wide range of development regulations, including the following:
- Establishing the development permit process and the process for redistricting (rezoning) and LUB text amendments.
- Regulates the size and use of land and buildings.
- Classifies land use districts (zones) and determines minimum development standards for each of these districts.
- Determines the appropriate permitted and discretionary uses for each land use district.
Current Bylaw
The current Land Use Bylaw 9/2005 was approved in 2005 and would benefit from an update. Although amendments to the LUB have been enacted since, evolving development trends illustrate the need for more flexibility and responsive development regulations.
Strategic Priorities
The St. Albert Strategic Plan includes five strategic priorities. Strategic Priority #1 is Economic Prosperity, which includes supporting plans and agreements that foster development in St. Albert, including mature neighbourhoods, and build affordability in all new development. This strategy includes an update to the Land Use Bylaw.
Additionally, the City of St. Albert Corporate Business Plan 2022-2025 Strategic Priority One: Economic Prosperity directs administration to complete the update of the Land Use Bylaw to modernize and align the LUB with the new Municipal Development Plan.
With these priorities in mind, the goals for this project include the following:
- Aligning the LUB with Flourish, the City's Municipal Development Plan.
- Updating and modernization of the document.
- Creating an accessible and web-friendly LUB.
Please stay tuned and subscribe for project updates!
Council Decision
Share Council Decision on Facebook Share Council Decision on Twitter Share Council Decision on Linkedin Email Council Decision linkAt the public hearing on October 15, 2024, Council voted to pass Land Use Bylaw 18/2024. Thank you to those who participated in this process. The final document will be uploaded to the bylaws page of the St. Albert website in the coming days.
The next phase of the project is to launch an accessible, web-friendly Land Use Bylaw. Please stay tuned for more details.
Council Agenda Package
Share Council Agenda Package on Facebook Share Council Agenda Package on Twitter Share Council Agenda Package on Linkedin Email Council Agenda Package linkThe public hearing for the land use bylaw is scheduled for October 15, 2024. More information about the public hearing can be found on the public hearing page, located here.
The agenda report and attachments are now posted on the Cultivate the Conversation page for the project. Please check them out under Key Documents on the right hand side of the page.
Public Hearing Date
Share Public Hearing Date on Facebook Share Public Hearing Date on Twitter Share Public Hearing Date on Linkedin Email Public Hearing Date linkA public hearing has been scheduled for October 15, 2024, for Land Use Bylaw 18/2024. The public may participate in the public hearing. If you would like to register to speak, please email If you would prefer to submit a written statement, please email
The agenda report and attachments will be available on the Cultivate the Conversation webpage on October 1, 2024.
For questions, please email
Draft Land Use Bylaw Circulation
Share Draft Land Use Bylaw Circulation on Facebook Share Draft Land Use Bylaw Circulation on Twitter Share Draft Land Use Bylaw Circulation on Linkedin Email Draft Land Use Bylaw Circulation linkThank you to everyone who was involved in reviewing or providing input into the first draft of the Land Use Bylaw.
The team has prepared another draft Land Use Bylaw, based on the valuable feedback received. Please check it out under Key Documents on the Cultivate the Conversation page.
Some of the proposed changes include:
- Reorganizing the document, to find content easier.
- Added a reduced parking ratio for affordable non-market housing.
- Enabled front drive zero lot-line product in the Small Lot Residential (SLR) District, with a proposed cap on the number of units per neighbourhood.
- Added density bonusing in the Downtown (DTN) District.
- Added the option for smaller rear vehicle access lots in the Low Density Residential (LDR) District, to reflect that some existing areas have lanes.
- Addition of congregate living level 1 and 2 as a definition and use.
- A reduction in fee-simple townhouse lot widths.
- Refined the Downtown (DTN) District map and regulations.
The public circulation letter, proposed draft, draft map, and draft spot redistricting map are all available under Key Documents.
If you have questions or comments, please email
We look forward to your feedback by 5 p.m. on May 31, 2024.
Public Information Session
Share Public Information Session on Facebook Share Public Information Session on Twitter Share Public Information Session on Linkedin Email Public Information Session linkWe invite you to attend a free, drop-in joint Public Information Session to learn more about the proposed Land Use Bylaw update, and draft St. Albert West Area Structure Plan.
Joint Public Information Session
- Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024
- Time: 4 to 7 p.m.
- Location: Progress Hall (main floor of The Arden Theatre lobby, 5 St. Anne Street)
The City is updating its Land Use Bylaw to reflect the vision and goals set out in Flourish (the City’s Municipal Development Plan) and to create a clear and concise document that reflects evolving development trends and the need for more flexible and responsive development regulations.
For those that cannot attend in person, the presentation boards are available here.
The City is also preparing an Area Structure Plan (ASP) for the west area of St. Albert. ASPs are statutory documents that provide a framework for future land development. The purpose of the St. Albert West ASP is to enable development and generate sustainable economic growth for the community.
For more information about the West ASP, please visit the St. Albert West Area Structure Plan page.
Standing Committee of the Whole
Share Standing Committee of the Whole on Facebook Share Standing Committee of the Whole on Twitter Share Standing Committee of the Whole on Linkedin Email Standing Committee of the Whole linkAdministration will share an update of the land use bylaw project at the Standing Committee of the Whole (SCOW) meeting of April 9, 2024.
The presentation will include a high-level summary of the work completed since the last SCOW presentation, and the plans for moving forward with the project.
Please stay tuned to the City’s YouTube channel to view the update, or use this link to watch live meetings.
What We Learned Report for Online Survey 2
Share What We Learned Report for Online Survey 2 on Facebook Share What We Learned Report for Online Survey 2 on Twitter Share What We Learned Report for Online Survey 2 on Linkedin Email What We Learned Report for Online Survey 2 linkThank you to everyone who was involved in reviewing or providing input into the public open house, virtual open house, and online survey for the Land Use Bylaw Update Project.
The project team has compiled a What We Heard report that summarizes the feedback we received. Please check it out under Key Documents, or use this link to view the report directly.
Draft Land Use Bylaw
Share Draft Land Use Bylaw on Facebook Share Draft Land Use Bylaw on Twitter Share Draft Land Use Bylaw on Linkedin Email Draft Land Use Bylaw linkThe draft land use bylaw has now been released, and it is available for review here. Alternatively, please find the draft under Key Documents.
The virtual open house is also available here. Or you can find it under Important Links.
Our online survey is available here, and will be active until November 19, 2023.
If you have any questions please email
We look forward to your feedback.
Public Consultation
Share Public Consultation on Facebook Share Public Consultation on Twitter Share Public Consultation on Linkedin Email Public Consultation linkIn partnership with the City of St. Albert, ISL Engineering and Urban Strategies are updating the City’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) and welcome your input in this process. Building on the feedback received at the initial public consultation events in late 2022, a draft LUB has been prepared and will be shared with the public in early November. We invite you to attend an in-person open house, or view our virtual open house, to share your thoughts on the draft document. We will also be gathering your feedback through an online survey.
In-Person Open House
Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2023Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Progress Hall (main floor of The Arden Theatre lobby, 5 St. Anne Street, St. Albert)
Virtual Open House and Online Survey
Begins: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 10 a.m.
Closes: Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Thank you for your ongoing support and input.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkThe last round of engagement events for the Land Use Bylaw project took place in November 2022. Since then, the City has been working on the review of the existing document. The City has also received inquiries related to the project which are summarized below.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on this project.
What is the status of the Land Use Bylaw?
A consolidated draft of the Land Use Bylaw document is currently being prepared. Once finished, the draft will be released to the public for review and comment. It will be posted under the Key Documents section of the Cultivate the Conversation page.
What happened at the meeting with the Standing Committee of the Whole (SCOW) on July 11, 2023?
Administration shared an update of the project and provided a high-level summary of the plans for the draft land use bylaw. The update included review of proposed new districts, proposed land use district consolidations, retired land use districts, and proposed changes to residential, commercial and industrial regulations.
The July 11, 2023 SCOW Agenda Report can be found here.
The July 11, 2023 SCOW Recording can be found here.
Will there be future public engagement opportunities?
Yes. The City of St. Albert and ISL Engineering will be hosting a public open house, a virtual open house, and an online survey in November 2023.
Those who were notified of, and/or attended past engagement events, will be informed of the date, time, and location of the public open house, once these details are confirmed.
Please stay tuned for more information. Full details of the upcoming public consultation events, as well as the link to the online survey, will be posted on the Cultivate the Conversation page, the City of St. Albert’s social media channels, and in Citylights.
Key Dates
November 07 2023
April 09 2024
April 25 2024
May 01 → May 31 2024
October 15 2024
Key Documents
Council - Oct 2024
Agenda Report - 1st Reading (210 KB) (pdf)
Agenda Report - Public Hearing (144 KB) (pdf)
Att 01 - LUB Bylaw 18-2024 (14.7 MB) (pdf)
Att 02 - Land Use Bylaw Map (8.06 MB) (pdf)
Att 03 - Previously Distributed CGISC AR 2022-06-13 (246 KB) (pdf)
Att 04 - Previously Distributed SCOW AR 2023-07-11 (222 KB) (pdf)
Att 05 - Previously Distributed SCOW AR 2024-04-09 (953 KB) (pdf)
Att 06 - SCOW Direction and Recommended Actions (1.18 MB) (pdf)
Att 07 - Engagement Event List (114 KB) (pdf)
Att 08 - What We Learned Pop-Up 2022-09-21 (1.48 MB) (pdf)
Att 09 - What We Learned Online Survey 1 2022-12-08 (841 KB) (pdf)
Att 10 - What We Learned Online Survey 2 2023-12-04 (3.81 MB) (pdf)
Att 11 - What We Learned Report Public Feedback (546 KB) (pdf)
Att 12 - What We Learned Industry Comments with Apx (2.95 MB) (pdf)
Att 13 - Conservation District Map (1.31 MB) (pdf)
Att 14 - Conservation District Report (1.93 MB) (pdf)
Att 15 - Spot Redistricting Map (465 KB) (pdf)
Att 16 - Spot Redistricting Report (2.11 MB) (pdf)
Previously Distributed First Reading Links (98.4 KB) (pdf)
LUB Draft - May 2024
LUB Draft - October 2023
Existing Land Use Bylaw (20 MB) (pdf)
What We Heard Reports
Public Info Session Boards (6.54 MB) (pdf)
Project Status
Public Consultation Round #1
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageThe first round of public consultation for residents to provide input includes a pop-up event, and online survey. What We Heard reports will be released after each event.
Public Consultation Round #2
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageThe second round of public consultation for residents to provide input includes a public open house, a virtual open house, and online survey.
Standing Committee of the Whole
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageThe Land Use Bylaw team will be providing a project update to the Standing Committee of the Whole (SCOW) on April 9, 2024.
Public Information Session
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageThe City is hosting a drop-in Public Information Session on April 25, in Progress Hall to present updates related to the proposed Land Use Bylaw and draft St. Albert West Area Structure Plan.
4-Week Circulation
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageA four week circulation of the refined version of the Land Use Bylaw to Interested Parties.
1st Reading
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageThis file is proposed for first reading on October 1, 2024.
Public Hearing
Land Use Bylaw Update has finished this stageThis file is proposed to go to Public Hearing on October 15, 2024. At the Public Hearing, the public can speak to Council about the proposal.
Council - Decision
Land Use Bylaw Update is currently at this stageIf Council votes to refuse the bylaw, the process ends. If Council gives 1st, 2nd, and 3rd readings, the bylaw will be approved.
Who's Listening
Phone 780-418-6790 Email