St. Albert West Area Structure Plan
Consultation has concluded

The City of St. Albert is preparing an Area Structure Plan (ASP) for the western area of the city, called the St. Albert West ASP. ASPs are statutory documents that provide a framework for future development of undeveloped areas which will:
- Create a vision for the area
- Describe the objective of the development
- Outline existing land uses and current conditions
- Provide a high-level anticipated timeframe for development
The purpose of the St. Albert West ASP is to support development, generate sustainable economic growth for the community, and enhance St. Albert’s competitiveness and attractiveness to investors, employers, and current and future residents within the Edmonton metropolitan region. The St. Albert West ASP is bounded by Ray Gibbon Drive to the east, Carrot Creek and Big Lake to the west, the north boundary of quarter section, SW 18-54-25-4, and 137 Avenue NW to the south.
The City of St. Albert is preparing an Area Structure Plan (ASP) for the western area of the city, called the St. Albert West ASP. ASPs are statutory documents that provide a framework for future development of undeveloped areas which will:
- Create a vision for the area
- Describe the objective of the development
- Outline existing land uses and current conditions
- Provide a high-level anticipated timeframe for development
The purpose of the St. Albert West ASP is to support development, generate sustainable economic growth for the community, and enhance St. Albert’s competitiveness and attractiveness to investors, employers, and current and future residents within the Edmonton metropolitan region. The St. Albert West ASP is bounded by Ray Gibbon Drive to the east, Carrot Creek and Big Lake to the west, the north boundary of quarter section, SW 18-54-25-4, and 137 Avenue NW to the south.
Public Information Session
Share Public Information Session on Facebook Share Public Information Session on Twitter Share Public Information Session on Linkedin Email Public Information Session linkThe draft St. Albert West Area Structure Plan (ASP) is nearing completion, and there will be an opportunity to see how the ASP has progressed before it is presented to City Council. As such, you are invited to attend a Public Information Session regarding the St. Albert West ASP. This will be a drop-in event, and City Administration will be present to answer any questions.
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Progress Hall, 5 St. Anne Street, St. Albert (main floor near the Arden Theatre lobby)
This in-person information session will be joined with the Land Use Bylaw update project. For more information about the Land Use Bylaw update project, visit:
* The boards for the public information session on April 25 are now available on the right side of this webpage under Key Documents.
Proposed St. Albert West Area Structure Plan
Share Proposed St. Albert West Area Structure Plan on Facebook Share Proposed St. Albert West Area Structure Plan on Twitter Share Proposed St. Albert West Area Structure Plan on Linkedin Email Proposed St. Albert West Area Structure Plan linkThe proposed St. Albert West ASP document was developed to align with the policy directions in both the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan (EMRGP) and the City’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The St. Albert West ASP contains area-wide policies, land use policies, and correlating maps. A summary of the ASP structure is as follows:
- Part 1 (Introduction): This section discusses the purpose of the ASP, place within the City of St. Albert, regional and provincial planning framework, and summary of public engagement.
- Part 2 (Site Analysis): This section discusses the context of St. Albert West, and environmental constraints within and around the area.
- Part 3 (Vision & Principles): This section discusses the overall vision and high-level principles that guide future development in St. Albert West.
- Part 4 (Area-Wide Policies): The area-wide policies are organized based on the following principles for St. Albert West: Economic Diversification, Environment, Urban Design, Culture & Community Services, Transportation, and Utility Infrastructure.
- Part 5 (Land Use Policies): The land use policies are based on the land use designations within St. Albert West: Major Open Spaces, Neighbourhoods, Mixed-use Areas, Employment Areas, and Mixed-use Employment Areas.
- Part 6 (Implementation): This section contains policies regarding how planning and development in St. Albert West will be implemented, and discusses regional collaboration.
- Part 7 (Statistics): This section contains a table of the future land use statistics in St. Albert West.
- Part 8 (Maps): This section contains a map of the ASP location, land use concept, transportation network, water servicing network, wastewater collection system, stormwater management system, legal descriptions, major open spaces, site analysis and constraints, natural features, direction of development and phasing, aerial view, surrounding context, and anticipated Neighbourhood Plan areas.
Please remember that the ASP maps AND policies should be reviewed in conjunction.
Additionally, in preparing the St. Albert West ASP, technical studies were completed to provide detailed analysis of subject lands and implications of proposed land uses. The technical studies include:
- Agricultural Impact Assessment
- Historical Resources Act Approval with Conditions
- Natural Features Assessment and Prioritization Report
- Servicing Design Brief
- St. Albert West ASP Technical Report
- Transportation Impact Assessment
The proposed St. Albert West ASP and supporting technical studies can be found on the right side of this webpage under Key Documents. The proposed St. Albert West ASP is what will be presented to Council. Comments can be presented during the public hearing process on September 3, 2024. For more information regarding the public hearing process, see here.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkIt has been several months since the last round of engagement events that took place in October 2022 regarding the St. Albert West Area Structure Plan (ASP). Since then, the City received inquiries regarding the project, and they are summarized below.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on this project.
What is the status of the St. Albert West Area Structure Plan?
Policy review is currently ongoing, and we are working on completing the Transportation Impact Assessment and Servicing Design Brief for the ASP, as well as additional review and analysis of natural features within St. Albert West. New information has also been recently received that will require updates to the technical studies.
For status updates of the St. Albert West project timeline, please refer to the ‘Project Status’ on the right-hand side of this webpage.
What does the technical study and analysis of the natural features in St. Albert West entail?
Buffers will be established for the natural areas that are recommended for retention, including Carrot Creek and Big Lake. For wetlands and waterbodies, the setbacks will be determined using Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Developments’ variable buffer analysis called Stepping Back from the Water (SBFTW). This methodology determines site-specific development setbacks and riparian buffer management in consideration of several factors such as slope, wildlife habitat, and sensitive species for pollution prevention and waterbody protection. As part of the analysis, there will also be a review of key wildlife habitat and potential restrictions associated with Big Lake and the Important Bird Area to incorporate into the setback. Findings from the environmental analysis will inform the policies within the St. Albert West ASP.
What happened at the meeting with the Standing Committee of the Whole (SCOW) on February 14, 2023?
Administration shared an update of the project schedule, a high-level summary of what we heard from the public engagement held in October 2022, and latest revisions to the land use concept based on feedback from the engagement events and policy review. The update also included a discussion regarding the Municipal Reserve dedication along Carrot Creek and the north shore of Big Lake, and a preliminary assessment of the municipal land needs on the City-owned Badger Lands and the City-owned lands within Lakeview Business District.
- February 14, 2023 SCOW Agenda Report: HERE
- February 14, 2023 Recording (approximately 35:00 to 2:46:00): HERE
The land use concept shared in October 2022 identified the designation of ‘Alternate Jurisdiction’. However, the updated land use concept shared at the SCOW meeting in February 2023 shows that ‘Alternate Jurisdiction’ has been removed. Why?
Alternate Jurisdiction (AJ) means lands that the City of St. Albert has no jurisdiction over. In St. Albert West, the subject lands identified as AJ are either owned by the Government of Alberta or road right-of-way of Ray Gibbon Drive where the Government of Alberta has purchased additional lands to protect the ROW for future expansion.
Development of the lands designated as AJ would still require alignment with the Edmonton Metropolitan Regional Growth Plan (EMRGP) and the City’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) which shows the subject lands as Planned Employment Area and Employment Areas / Major Open Spaces, respectively.
- See Schedule 3B of the EMRGP: HERE
- See Map 3 (Urban Structure and General Land Use Map) of the MDP: HERE
Rationale for the removal of Alternate Jurisdiction:
- This revision is based on the policy structure of the St. Albert West ASP where policies related to provincial purposes have been dispersed throughout the ASP document in appropriate sections to reduce redundancy amongst policies in the document. Also, policies regarding Employment Areas and Major Open Spaces would still apply to the subject lands, in alignment with the MDP. To be clear about how the ASP policies are applied, it helps to show land use designations on map, as it is important to review policies and maps in conjunction with each other.
- While the Government of Alberta purchased additional lands for road right-of-way (ROW) for the future expansion of Ray Gibbon Drive, the ROW is still owned by the City of St. Albert today. As such, identifying the lands as Alternate Jurisdiction, given its definition, would be inconsistent. At this time, Ray Gibbon Drive is a Planned Freeway (as per the City’s Transportation Systems Bylaw) to which there may be a future consideration of transfer of ownership and operational control from the City to the Province.
Would the removal of the designation, Alternate Jurisdiction, impact the southern lands owned by the Government of Alberta?
The extent of Lois Hole Centennial Provincial Park (LHCPP) is defined by the Province through an Order in Council. While adjacent lands are currently owned by the Government of Alberta and identified as LHCPP, the subject lands have not yet been identified as part of the park through an Order in Council. As these lands are developable, they are currently identified as an Employment Area, in keeping with the EMRGP and MDP. This designation will not preclude any future park development work, should the Government of Alberta proceed with park expansion plans.
Should the provincial lands in the south area of St. Albert West receive formal approval as LHCPP, the St. Albert West ASP, and other associated documents, can be amended to identify the subject lands as Major Open Spaces. Should ownership change for the subject lands, they will remain as an Employment Area.
[Update: In January 2024, the Government of Alberta issued an Order in Council to officially include their remaining lands east of Big Lake and north of 137 Ave NW, as part of the LHCPP. The draft St. Albert West ASP will reflect this update.]
Will there be future public engagement opportunities?
There will be no more public engagement events prior to Council. However, the draft St. Albert West ASP and supporting technical studies will be posted on this webpage prior to Council first reading. Those who were notified of the past engagement events as well as those who attended the events, will be informed when the draft St. Albert West ASP and technical studies are posted. Please note that it is extremely critical that the proposed figure depicting the land use concept be reviewed in conjunction with the ASP policies.
The public hearing date for the St. Albert West ASP will also be shared on the project website as soon as it is scheduled.
Phase 2 Engagement - What We Heard Report
Share Phase 2 Engagement - What We Heard Report on Facebook Share Phase 2 Engagement - What We Heard Report on Twitter Share Phase 2 Engagement - What We Heard Report on Linkedin Email Phase 2 Engagement - What We Heard Report linkThank you to those who participated in the Phase 2 engagement sessions! Comments have been documented in a 'What We Heard Report', which can be found here.
The Project Team is currently working on refining the land use concept and ASP policies. Please refer to the Project Status for the project schedule.
Public Open House
Share Public Open House on Facebook Share Public Open House on Twitter Share Public Open House on Linkedin Email Public Open House linkPart of the process for developing an ASP, is gathering information and feedback from stakeholders and the public taking place over two phases of engagement. Phase 1 took place from Spring to Summer 2022 and looked at the opportunities and constraints within the project area while developing a common vision for the St. Albert West ASP. The purpose of Phase 2 will be to present the draft land use concept and policy highlights for feedback. Please refer to the draft land use concept.
If you would like to learn more about the draft land use concept, the City will be hosting a virtual open house on Zoom. Come discuss the St. Albert West Area Structure Plan.
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Interactive Map
Feedback on the draft land use concept is also welcomed through the online interactive map, available from October 17 to 28. The map consultation has closed.
Phase 1 Engagement - What We Heard Report
Share Phase 1 Engagement - What We Heard Report on Facebook Share Phase 1 Engagement - What We Heard Report on Twitter Share Phase 1 Engagement - What We Heard Report on Linkedin Email Phase 1 Engagement - What We Heard Report linkThank you to those who participated in the Phase 1 engagement sessions! Comments have been documented in a 'What We Heard Report', which can be found here.
Who's Listening
Email -
Project Status
March 2022 - Project Initiation
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stage -
May to June 2022 - Phase 1 of Engagement
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stage- Introduce the project and discuss the vision, opportunities and constraints within the project area.
- Meet with the public and internal and external stakeholders.
Summer 2022 - Draft St. Albert West ASP Land Use Concept
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stage -
October 2022 - Phase 2 of Engagement
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stage- Present the draft St. Albert West ASP land use concept for feedback.
- Meet with the public and internal and external stakeholders.
St. Albert West ASP Review
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stageReview of draft ASP policies and technical studies.
Public Information Session
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stageDate: Thursday, April 25, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Progress Hall, 5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stageThe draft St. Albert West ASP and supporting technical studies are shared with internal and external stakeholders, and the community.
June 4, 2024 - Council First Reading
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stageSee: Agenda Report
Referral to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB)
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan has finished this stageJune - August 2024
September 3, 2024 - Public Hearing
St. Albert West Area Structure Plan is currently at this stageSee: Agenda Report
Key Documents
St. Albert West ASP Draft (6.65 MB) (pdf)
Agricultural Impact Assessment (2.82 MB) (pdf)
Historical Resources Act Approval with Conditions (1.31 MB) (pdf)
Natural Features Assessment and Prioritization Report (16.4 MB) (pdf)
Servicing Design Brief (18.8 MB) (pdf)
St. Albert West ASP Technical Report (6.09 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Impact Assessment (6.35 MB) (pdf)
Public Information Session Boards (7.82 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Engagement - Public Open House Presentation (2.77 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Engagement - What We Heard Report (5.57 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Engagement - Public Open House Presentation (3.52 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Engagement - What We Heard Report (12.9 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
May 26 2022
October 19 2022