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Project Update

27 Sep 2023

The last round of engagement events for the Land Use Bylaw project took place in November 2022. Since then, the City has been working on the review of the existing document. The City has also received inquiries related to the project which are summarized below.

We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on this project.

What is the status of the Land Use Bylaw?

A consolidated draft of the Land Use Bylaw document is currently being prepared. Once finished, the draft will be released to the public for review and comment. It will be posted under the Key Documents section of the Cultivate the Conversation page.

What happened at the meeting with the Standing Committee of the Whole (SCOW) on July 11, 2023?

Administration shared an update of the project and provided a high-level summary of the plans for the draft land use bylaw. The update included review of proposed new districts, proposed land use district consolidations, retired land use districts, and proposed changes to residential, commercial and industrial regulations.

The July 11, 2023 SCOW Agenda Report can be found here(External link).

The July 11, 2023 SCOW Recording can be found here(External link).

Will there be future public engagement opportunities?

Yes. The City of St. Albert and ISL Engineering will be hosting a public open house, a virtual open house, and an online survey in November 2023.

Those who were notified of, and/or attended past engagement events, will be informed of the date, time, and location of the public open house, once these details are confirmed.

Please stay tuned for more information. Full details of the upcoming public consultation events, as well as the link to the online survey, will be posted on the Cultivate the Conversation page, the City of St. Albert’s social media channels, and in Citylights.

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